I've always loved the lone palm for the silhouette it creates. It's a big part of S. California. My Mom came from Colorado, and the first thing that she said struck her were the wierd palm trees, she had never seen a tall, tall, skinny tree with just a bit of poof on the very top, She was from Colorado where Pine trees were the norm. She couldn't get over them, and how odd they were, no matter how long she lived in Calif. I've always been attracted to them, have you ever seen a palm in 40-50 mile and hour winds? They literally blow sideways , some of them. I'll never forget a Hurricane with had while living in Kailua, on the windward side of Oahu. The palms that lined the front yard were bent in half, I was sure they would snap, but no the next day they were fine, missing some branches but over all in good shape. I guess they're airo-dynamic.
Palms are majestic aren't they, they seem historical to me also.....like they've been here a long time and seen a lot.
All you really need are 2 palms spaced just perfectly apart for a hammock, there you will find true paradise swinging in the breeze. Aloha.....