I miss it so much at times, it bottles up inside me and then at some point gushes out and I end up doing a lot of pieces all in a group. You never know what direction it will take, or where it's going...I like that.
I love it when my art surprises me. I let it guide me, I listen to my intuition. I trust my gut. It's taken years for me to hone this skill, it never fails me when I click into my intuition. An artist needs to trust their history, their personal footprint, their guiding light.....the little thing that tells them to put that red blob.......there. It's years of training, color composition, balance, texturing, color color color, it all speaks and the artist must listen and be true to the vision.
God, I have been painting for 52 yrs. that is amazing in itself. I know and then again some days it feels like I know nothing, I'm starting out fresh, a novice, and I like that freshness.......
it keeps the stale away.