If you all have not heard of Craftours, you are really missing out on something. Their Arts and Crafts tours are amazing. I know because I teach Art for them....and I'm NOT biased I'd tell you if they were horrible.
If you are a "fabric" person this is definitely for you. A lot of the travelers are quilters, and love to buy fabric! LOL no its true. I've actually been on a tour bus and had them scream...STOP, there's a fabric store" !!!
I gotta say, these people are GREAT! Craftours knows what they love and creates such an amazing experience for all. The best thing about being an art teacher abroad? I get to meet fantastic people, that by the way are on holiday, are happy, and there to have fun, learn, and get their creative groove on. I have made great friends from the wonderful people in my classes, they are the best! I feel so grateful every trip I make, knowing what's in store. The life experiences, all of it, the joys, and downfalls of travel, everything makes my life richer, and I am so excited to announce I will be going back this Nov. click on these links and check the trips...OMG they are so much fun.
First I love Ireland, and never in all my travels had I been there. If you are a "foodie" like me....oh jeez...... the Bread and Irish butter, paired with an Irish stew in a cool little tavern with a great Irish band playing, does it get any better? Ireland is mysterious, and foggy, green, and glorious. I loved it. The people are amazing, warm, funny, and full of life. I am so happy to be returning and look forward to the new friends I will make along the way. Oh , I almost forgot.....the soups, and Irish breakfast!....holy moly! The only saving grace that while in Europe you usually walk a lot, so I did burn off those donuts...
Italy...you have a piece of my heart. We had some very talented people on the Italian trip in Spring. The class was fabric design, showing the basics that goes into the background patterns. The quilters in the group were accustomed to thinking in patterns, so it was wonderful to see what they turned out art wise.. How fantastic to be able to quilt with designed fabric that YOU made yourself? and what to say about the food...I'm still working on the parmesan cheese brick that I brought back, but they did confiscate my 5 little salami rolls. All in all, it was a fantastic trip, at a world famous, gorgeous hotel, but the company proved to be even richer than our surroundings....
alla prossima...Italia
Dive into the menu on the links below, and you will see a tour that is cost effective, put together with a lot of expertise, wonderful care from the incredible tour escorts, these journeys are rich and diverse, just like the people you meet in any of the groups. Hope you can join us. Put a smile on and join us!
First to Ireland on Nov 2-10 http://www.craftours.com/trips/?page=ireland_crafts_1118
Then onto Italy on Nov. 11-19 http://www.craftours.com/trips/?page=tuscany_crafts_1118
fino a quando ci incontriamo di nuovo...