Happy New Year Everyone!
It's a gorgeous day in Malibu.
This piece is titled "Delores has a visit from the blu-bird of happiness" It's a collage that I did this morning that will set the tone for my new year. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be doing what I love.
Here are my resolutions for 2013....
Get to a doctor that will help my Hashimotos.
Wear sunblock
Try to do a vegetable drink everyday
Be kind to everyone
Not be too critical of my art
Accept the dramas with a little more ease ( only sweat the big stuff)
Do something creative EVERYDAY
Read a real book more often
Run more than half a block
Save money
Eat dinner before 6pm
Try to make a raised vegetable planting area that the gophers can't get into ( this coincides with a vegetable drink everyday)
Cut back on carbs
Go up the trail more often
Get Swef to walk down on Zuma with me
Get my collages out there!