This so made me laugh when I was little my older sister use to wear her hair like this, no not kidding! My Dad called her "basketball head", use to make her so mad.
I wonder if this style will ever be popular again? I hope not. It's so funny how one year eveyone will be wearing tight cigarette legged jeans and the style changes and 2 yrs. later you wouldn't be caught dead in them.
Personally I could care less. 5 years ago I found my white shorts at Target. For those of you that know me, know that the official costume of deb is a T-shirt and white shorts. Anyway I found my white shorts are Target and bought , I think, like 6 pairs of the same short. I'm always on the look-out for them again, so if you happen to see white shorts tie string waist, heavy Tshirt cotton, or even lightweight sweatshirt cotton please let me know....I'll take a dozen!