What makes me happy.........wow, so much!
Lots of things. I generally am a really happy person. I think a lot has to do with the way you are raised, DUH of course, and the way your parents looked at things, problems, joys, etc.
Those are learned responses. How you choose to re-act to anything is what you have seen your family do, your siblings, your earliest responses are the responsibility of your family.
I came from parents that laughed a lot, were not easily ruffled, and had a joyous attitude toward life in general. My husband says I laugh TOO MUCH!
They NEVER hit me. They never laid a hand on me. They never had to. I had one of those Mom's that all she had to do was give me the look....oh you know the LOOK!. The Look that says STOP, RIGHT NOW what you are doing. I feared making her unhappy. I never wanted her to be mad at me or dislike what I was doing, I always wanted to have my Mom and Dad proud of me.
So I was never severely punished, although it held weight when they did. I was so not used to being punished it was horrendous when it happened. I remember getting on the next door neighbors roof, climbing a ladder, all to rescue a lost frisbee I spied from my 2nd floor bedroom. Boy was she mad....I literally saw steam coming from her ears.
I had to sit facing the corner in my little chair, while all the other kids were outside laughing and yelling at each other. I had to sit there for an hour. It was sheer torture. I could hear them, while the minutes slowly ticked by. It seemed a lifetime to me, an eternity. I'll never forget even at that young age drawing spit drawings on the wall to occupy my hour, it was not a happy moment for me.
I really don't remember too many unhappy days in my life in total even now. I know I had sad moments, family deaths, loss of a pet, nothing really tragic that swept me into a depression or anything close.
I was very blessed to have a happy family.......so I am a happy person.
The cup is ALWAYS half full, no matter what.
Go make someone laugh today....it's Happy Day!
The Happy Painting.......18 x 24 on paper